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High-Percentage Chance:


A shot sequence resulting in a shot on goal that has a 20% or greater chance of actually resulting in a goal based on historical scoring percentages for the particular shot type derived from the analysis of more than 250,000 shot sequences resulting in a shot on goal during the 2015-2016,2016-2017,2017-2018,2018-2019 and current NHL seasons.


Mid-Percentage Chance:


A shot sequence resulting in a shot on goal that has a 9.00% to 19.99% chance of actually resulting in a goal based on historical scoring percentages for the particular shot type derived from the analysis of more than 250,000 shot sequences resulting in a shot on goal during the 2015-2016,2016-2017,2017-2018,2018-2019 and current NHL seasons.


Low-Percentage Chance:


A shot sequence resulting in a shot on goal that has an 8.99% or less chance of actually resulting in a goal based on historical scoring percentages for the particular shot type derived from the analysis of more than 250,000 shot sequences resulting in a shot on goal during the 2015-2016,2016-2017,2017-2018,2018-2019 and current NHL seasons.


Player Adjusted Plus/Minus (Chances):


CSA ranks each player’s performance based on the net difference between the team total mid+high scoring chances for and the team’s total mid+high scoring chances against while that player is on the ice for even strength play.


Player Expected Plus/Minus (Goals):


CSA ranks each player’s performance based on the net difference between the team’s total expected goals converted directly from mid+high scoring chances (based on the actual scoring probability of each of the team’s mid+high scoring chances) and the team’s total expected goals against converted directly from mid+high scoring chances for their opponents (based on the actual scoring probability of the opponents’ mid+high scoring chances) while that player is on the ice for even strength play.


Player Finisher Stat:


CSA ranks each player’s performance in all situations based on the net difference between the player’s total expected goals converted directly from their high percentage chances and the player’s total actual goals converted directly from their high percentage chances, expressed as a performance percentage against their expected goals.


Player Quality Shooter Stat:


CSA ranks each player’s performance in all situations based on the net difference between the player’s total expected goals converted directly from their mid+high percentage chances and the player’s actual total goals converted directly from their mid+high percentage chances, expressed as a performance percentage against their expected goals.


Player Playmaker Passer Stat:


CSA ranks each player’s performance based on the number of the player’s passes that lead directly to high percentage scoring chances.


Player Quality Passer Stat:


CSA ranks each player’s performance based on the number of the player’s passes that lead directly to mid or high percentage scoring chances.


Player Total Expected Offensive Contribution:


CSA ranks each player’s performance based on the player’s total expected goals converted directly from all of their scoring chances plus the total expected goals converted from the player’s passes that lead directly to scoring chances.


Goaltender Save Percentage Rating:


CSA ranks each goaltender’s performance based on the net difference between the expected save percentage for all scoring chances actually faced by the goaltender and the goaltender’s actual save percentage on those scoring chances, expressed as the numerical differential between expected and actual save percentage.


Goaltender Save Contribution Rating:


CSA ranks each goaltender’s performance based on the net difference between the expected total goals allowed for all scoring chances actually faced by the goaltender and the actual total goals allowed for all scoring chances actually faced by the goaltender.


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